The Research Pavilion #3 , hosted by the University of the Arts Helsinki, highlights the points of view of artistic research in the context of the world’s best-known contemporary art event in spring and summer 2019.
Set up now for the third time, the Research Pavilion has cemented its position as the focal point in artistic research, drawing international artists and researchers to Venice every two years.
Research Pavilion #3 is a meeting place, a catalyst of emerging co-operations in the area of artistic research and a generator of new thinking: a battery of research cells capable of recharging artistic research with new energy.
The Research Pavilion is an ongoing project created and hosted by Uniarts Helsinki. Research Pavilion #3 is created in cooperation with the Louise and Göran Ehrnrooth Foundation and international partner institutions: Aalto University, Valand Academy of Arts at the University of Gothenburg, University of Applied Arts Vienna, and Interlab Hongik University Seoul.
Research Pavilion #3 uses the international research database Research Catalogue as the collaborative space for documenting and archiving the activities of the Research Cells. Go to the Research Catalogue and Research Pavilion #3 Info Lab.
Read more about Research Pavilion 2015 , Research Pavilion 2017.
